
Who's on First?

Distance: 46 mi.

Time: 2:19:19

Avg. Speed 19.81

Weather: 62-70º, 99-79% humidity, wind WSW1-WSW4, sunny

July mileage total: 563 miles

Song stuck in head: Two Step - Dave Matthews Band

I was a bike route whore for yesterday's ride. I'd showed some interest in joining Stephan for the Westboro Landry's Saturday ride of about 40 miles but was hoping for a longer ride. I'd posted on the MRC boards the idea of riding the CRW Fall Century 60 mile route (no takers). Finally onegeardoug posted about hoping for a 3 hour-ish ride sans hills, starting in the "Solomon Pond Mall area" at 7 a.m.

Sounded good to me, I posted back, asking if the meet up spot might be Giuseppie's Grill, just south of the Mall but Doug was out for the rest of Friday evening. Tony W. perked up and proposed to meet me in Stow to ride down to Northoboro to meet Doug. Alan and Bruce were arranging to cross paths with Doug out along the route. Things were shaping up nicely.

I awoke to see a post from Tony, letting me know had a tough week and preferred to sleep in. No matter, off I went a little after 6 a.m. for Northboro. 13 miles or so, mostly downhill through the still sleepy towns of Stow, Hudson and South Berlin. I got a really nice lead-out from a lumber truck for the last few miles (30 mph!) down River Road/Solomon Pond Road.

I arrived at Giuseppe's at 6:45 and proceeded to pedal around the parking lot just to keep my legs loose. The barista did not open until 8 which was too bad as I had not yet had my morning jolt. Just a few minutes past 7, I saw a rider fly by and I thought it might be Doug, so I made chase - catching up to him on the 290 overpass. The rear view mirror dangling from his helmet let me know it was not Doug, so I wished him a good ride and pedaled back to the lot.

By now it was at least 7:10, so I set out to ride back towards Sudbury on the off chance my route might cross the one Alan and Bruce took. I rode back up Donald Lynch Blvd/Park St. into Hudson Center, along Rte 62 to Sudbury Road (past Honey Pot Farm).  I was able to really crank along the stretch past Lake Boon, keeping my speed up over 22 mph.

I arrived at Atkinson Pool at 7:45 with no sign of Alan and Bruce. Turns out they left there fifteen minutes earlier.

One lap around the parking lot and I doubled back again on to Sudbury Road and rode the rest of the way on my new "CC" route through Stow, Acton and back home. I pedaled hard and felt strong the whole way. This strong solo effort was more than enough compensation for the loss of a group ride.

No sooner was I home and showered up than I found myself putting my family's 3 bikes on the car for an additional 9 mile ride along the Nashua River Trail from Groton to Pepprell, with ice cream at the 1/2 way point.


Rest today. Did a rare thing: I slept past 8 a.m., which was quite nice.

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